Dezincification of Yellow Brass
Plumbing Systems in modern homes may be piped with a variety of materials, typically conventional copper water lines or now plastic pipe commonly called PEX. Each system has advantages and disadvantages, however one defect, that being dezincification of yellow brass. which can be present in a 40-story residential high rise, a mid-rise condominium complex, apartment buildings or single-family home. The culprit is yellow brass used in fittings to join the pipes together, connect the pipes to other components of the plumbing system including shut off valves.
Yellow Brass has one essential of flaw. It corrodes when exposed to water. Obviously not a prudent or proper material to use in a plumbing system. When the problem is found it’s not just in one home, but commonly all homes in the project, neighborhood and even the entire State.

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(Use of Wirsbo Co. Components)
(Use of Wirsbo Co. Components)