Issues With Commercial Roof Systems Common in Hawaii
A Hawaii building owner should be aware of the issues they may encounter depending on the type of roofing system installed at their building. Awareness of the signs of failure can prevent major damage to other major components of the building and property within the structure. This article will outline various types of roofing systems

Spalling’s Hidden Secrets
Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world, and if designed and installed properly it has close to an indefinite lifespan. Concrete is versatile; it will conform to virtually any shape it is placed in, allowing for creativity in design and durability. Its simplicity ends here. Concrete is subject to damage and

Product Manufacturer Warranty Claims in Buildings Over Ten Years Old
In buildings over ten years old, issues such as leaks at windows or plumbing can be one of largest burdens an association or property may face, particularly if no recovery is available against the builder be- cause the statute of limitations has run. The good news is that claims against product manufacturers for components such as

SB326 – The Balcony Inspection Provisions of the Bill – How Will It Impact Common Interest Developments?
History: The Governor signed SB326 August 30, 2019. This new law will have a substantial impact on Common Interest Developments (CID’s) throughout the State of California. The bill was introduced as a response to the Berkeley balcony collapse at the Library Gardens Apartments on June 16, 2015, when thirteen students fell forty feet from a

Perrin Conferences’ National Construction Defect Conference | November 13-15, 2019
Stephen L. Weber, Managing Partner of KWLT Arizona and New Mexico offices will be a speaker at the Perrin Conferences’ National Construction Defect Conference on November 13-15, 2019. This event will be held at the Ritz Carlton, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Featured Article: Hawaii Hospitality – June 2019
Somewhere On Your Property There Is An Accident Waiting To Happen Does your maintenance budget cover regular repairs to railings, walkways and staircases? If not, your bill could be catastrophic. A man fell to his death in 2016 when a railing at Ala Moana Center reportedly gave way. His friend, who tried to stop the